Cove Pickleball Club

About The Club

The Cove Pickleball Club is a group of over 250 avid pickleball players at​ Cypress Cove Nudist Resort in Kissimmee, Florida.

​​Founded in 2010, the Club has grown every year as the phenomenal popularity of pickleball has ​grown all over the world. The Club organizes and conducts nearly a dozen events and tournaments ​every year.

​​We are fortunate to be able to play on ten beautiful pickleball courts -- six dedicated courts and four ​dual-use courts with high-quality portable nets -- in this tropical garden paradise.

​​Daily open play starts around 9am every day, and we have groups of both Beginner-Intermediate ​and Intermediate-Advanced players. In the winter season (October - April), there's a large group ​meeting for social play daily, beginning about 3pm.

​​Everyone is welcome to play pickleball at Cypress Cove as one of the many amenities inside this ​beautiful resort. But if you love playing pickleball and play regularly at Cypress Cove, we encourage ​you to join the Cove Pickleball Club and contribute to the growth of the sport.

You'll join over 250 other Cove Pickleball Club players who love playing pickleball here and want to ​contribute to all the great events we hold year-round.

Join the Club / Pay Dues or Donate

Membership in the Cove Pickleball Club is just $15 per calendar year.

Membership brings you all these great benefits:

  • Free registration for all Cove Pickleball Club tournaments all year long

  • Use of our supply of pickleballs stocked on the courts

  • The use of our Pickleball Tutor ball machine

  • You'll be the first to hear about and the first in line for special group trips and deals for Club members

  • You'll enjoy the prestige and recognition that comes with being a part of such a great club!

But most importantly, you join with over 250 other Cove pickleball players to speak with one voice ​with Cypress Cove management, helping to promote and grow pickleball in this beautiful place.

To join the club or pay your dues, click here to pay securely through Stripe. The ​Cove Pickleball Club never gets your credit card information.


You can donate in any amount to support the club at this link.

Email List


Subscribe to our email list to be the first to know about all our upcoming tournaments, group trips, ​Club news and other super-fun happenings!​​

It's low-traffic (only a message or two each month), never any spam, and we never share your ​information.

To join our email list, click here to subscribe at MailChimp.

Missed an email? Check out the latest issues in the archive at this link.

Club Logo Apparel Shop

Look great and rep the Club, on or off the court!

Did you know that the Cove Pickleball Club has an awesome online shop filled with Club logo apparel, ​hats and more?

For those days when you just need a little something to stay comfortable, or when clouds keep the ​warm Florida sun off your skin, you can find a cool cover-up, t-shirt, hat or more on our logo shop.

You can order just the size, style and color you like from dozens of different items available. Prices are ​great, the shipping is fast, and your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Click here to browse and shop today!

Contact Us

Want to learn more? Planning a visit? Curious about nude pickleball? We'd be glad to hear from you!

Send us an email at

​​​We'll be in touch soon.